Recurring Order

Recurring Order Option

Just to simplify and avoid the delay of delivery we started the recurring order option. It’s very simple: anyone of your order which you want to get delivered to you on a regular basis , just convert that order into a recurring order by choosing the Product, Quantity and Frequency of delivery with Date of delivery. The product can be anything, minimum quantity needs to be 100, Cycle of frequency can be 7days, 15 days or once in a month.


We are committed to providing the credit term for our packaging partner which can be 15 days to 60 days of credit line depending on the order value and frequency of orders.


You can keep the Frequency every week. Four times in a month.

15 Days

You can keep the Frequency after every 15 days. Twice a month.


You can keep the Frequency Monthly. Once a month.


Discounts are based on the order frequency and duration of the subscription.

Duration 3 Months 6 Month 1Year
Frequency - - -
Discounts 5% 10% 15%


Minimum Quantity

There are no minimum quantity criteria; you can choose any quantity.


We will give you 5% to 15% off on the recurring order.


There will be cycle credit on each recurring order from week to Month.

No Inventory

Now you do not need to buy in bulk and keep them in inventory.

Timely Delivery

Once you subscribe to the recurring order of any particular product we will never miss the delivery date.

Tech Support

A dedicated dashboard will give you access to all your data to see and manage online.

Best Price

Recurring orders will give you 5% to 15% less than the online price of the same product.

Best Quality

There will be surety of quality of product with a 5 days return policy option.

How to start


Place the Order

Need to place the order online before going to convert into a recurring order.


Choose the Recurring Option

There is a “Recurring Order” Button on the “My Order “ page, just choose and convert it into a recurring order.


Choose the cycle and Other Details

Once you click on the recurring order you need to choose the Deliver Cycle, Quantity and Date.


Confirmation and PO

After filling the details you need to confirm the order by creating the automotive PO of Order.


You do not need to pay full or on first recurring order delivery. The first recurring order payment will get deducted after the second delivery and the second order amount will get delivery after third delivery.
It’s a surety to us and our vendor against the order. As there is 100% credit with a return option to the customer with no advance payment and documentation. Also give the surety to the customer about Product, Price, Discount and Timely delivery of goods.
Discounts are based on the duration of subscription not on order frequency. Like you need 100 bags every week (is your frequency) for the coming 3 months (is your duration) so the discount will get calculated on the duration of subscription for 3Month 5%, 6months 10% and 15% for 1Year of Subscription.
Credit Period based on the Order Frequency supposed your subscribe for every 15days of delivery than on first order you will get the 15days credit and first order payment will get deducted after the delivery of second recurring order.
papal papal